The Lakeshore Humane Society is a non-profit, all volunteer organization, dedicated to helping protect the welfare of all animals and providing humane education to our community. The organization was established in 1980 under the name of The Dunkirk Humane Society, later renamed as we expanded our area of service to include the entire north end of Chautauqua County.
Many aspects of our organization have changed over the years, but our goal has stayed the same. We strive to get funding through donations and grants to support our spay/neuter assistance program and to help us pay for operating costs, primarily veterinary bills. As always, we are very thankful to our generous sponsors who enable us to continue our work in the community. All money raised or donated stays in our community and helps animals in need.
Animals in the care of The Lakeshore Humane Society are housed at our adoption center at 431 East Chestnut Street in Dunkirk. Space restricts the number of animals in our care at any given time it does enables us to get to know each animal better, leading to more successful pairings with new owners. All animals leaving our care must be spayed or neutered prior to adoption and owners are required to sign an adoption contract detailing our standards of care for their new pet. Animals that are deemed too young to be altered are provided with a voucher that covers the cost of surgery. A reasonable donation is required at the time of adoption.
Anyone interested in bettering the welfare of animals is welcome to join our organization. There are many ways you can help the animals and us. We meet the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m at the LHS Adoption Center. Our phone number is: 716-672-1991. Our mail address is 431 E. Chestnut Street, Dunkirk, NY 14048 or you can contact us though this site. We hope to see you soon!